Fixing the water?


New Member
I've seen lots of people talk about misting the chameleon, the plants, etc for humidity and to make sure the cham doesn't dehydrate.. When I was walking in the pet store they have some things to I guess neutralize the water for reptiles.. What is everyone's opinion on this? I recently moved to Pensacola so I couldn't really tell you how the water is. Thanks!
I've seen lots of people talk about misting the chameleon, the plants, etc for humidity and to make sure the cham doesn't dehydrate.. When I was walking in the pet store they have some things to I guess neutralize the water for reptiles.. What is everyone's opinion on this? I recently moved to Pensacola so I couldn't really tell you how the water is. Thanks!

If you are on municipal water it may contain chlorine or chloramine, fluoride, be heavy in minerals or salts. The minerals and salts are not a huge problem, more of an annoyance because they build up on glass, the plants, clog misting nozzles, etc. The water is technically safe to drink, but the chlorines and chloramines are a real concern for aquatic pets. The additives the pet store has are supposed to remove (or make inert) the chloramines. But, some faucet water filters also remove chlorines too.

If you really want to find out what's in your water, ask your city for a water test (some will send you a kit or a sample bottle you can send in for analysis). You can find out some of this on your own with an aquarium water chemistry test kit too. Your call.
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