flexarium + basking spotlight positioning...


New Member
hi i curious is it safe to put a 100watt lamp ontop of a flexarium? is 100watt too much or should opt for a 60watt??
This one of the recommendations I found on adequate lighting distant from cages, it works well for me.

40 Watt Basking Bulb
Distance From Bulb
6" = 110°
12" = 95°
18" = 80°

60 Watt Basking Bulb
Distance From Bulb
6" = 120°
12" = 101°
18" = 89°

75 Watt Daylight Bulb
Distance From Bulb
6" = Not Recommended
12" = 115°
18" = 95°

100 Watt Daylight Bulb
Distance From Bulb
6" = Not Recommended
12" = Not Recommended
18" = 106°

150 Watt Daylight Bulb
Distance From Bulb
6" = Not Recommended
12" = Not Recommended
18" = 120°
I think he was asking if it would burn the material, but I may be wrong?

Plus, those calculations are all wrong, I use a 65W at 4 inches and the temp is only 82-85.
thos are basking bulbs and i believe that is says that on the box.
if you use a regular house bulb i think you will be ok if you just put it on top.
i would watch it for a while just to be sure.
if you basking temp gets to hot then you can raise it up a little bit,
or if your stuff melts then you can also raise it up.

trial and error really.
That's correct, those are basking bulb distances, regular house bulbs will have to be placed much closer of course. :) I have a 60 watt that sits on my felxarium all day long with no melting or fire. not to say that it's 100% safe though, I keep it raised a couple inches off the material just to be sure. 100 watt right on top of the cage will cook ur Cham if he's right under it.
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