foggers vs misters


New Member
I am home during the days with my panther and mist with a spray bottle often. Does a fogger help keep humidity up in cage? I seem to be having trouble with humidity at top of cage.
A picture of setup can help us or a description on how it looks. Picture is better though. Well to begin, live plants are the best way to keep humidity. You can also do your own living wall plant. That also helps. Also you spoke about humidifier vs mister, Me personally I would go with mister. A couple sprays through out the day. Can help you stabalize your humidity. If you go to you can get the starter kit for $100 bucks. plus if you get a humidifier your cham wont be able to drink water cause its a humidifier. As for a mister it gives water for your cham to drink and the live plants help stabalize the humidity in his home. There is also they have there rain dome. The rain dome makes it look like it raining its pretty cool. But if you have more than one cham then i would go with mister. Hope this helps im sure there will be other members to chime in and help you out.
I am home during the days with my panther and mist with a spray bottle often. Does a fogger help keep humidity up in cage? I seem to be having trouble with humidity at top of cage.

Actually I prefer a combination of misting and fogging. In dry climates (try 9,000 ft elevation in the that's DRY) you can go through a lot of misting water every day trying to keep the cage humid. So, you have more drainage to deal with. I found that a good soaking misting session once or twice a day in combination with one or two fogging cycles in between the misting worked really well. Less drain water to deal with, but the general humidity level didn't drop as low in between. Fogging raises humidity without all the runoff. Regardless which you prefer to use, the key is still having a lot of bushy foliage to catch and hold all the moisture, both for drinking and for humidity.

As you are around during the days maybe you don't need an auto mister but can do it by hand with a hand pump pressure sprayer. A $40 ultrasonic room humidifier controlled with a multiple-setting timer can provide the fog cycles.
Here is a picture of cage. It is 18 x 18 x 30. I have two live plants in there.


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I have 3 different chameleons in 3 separate cages over a year now. I keep them in screened cages with the back panel acrylic . I have misters on timers and I spray the cages down twice a day. That's all you need.
I had an issue with the humidity dropping below the recommended range with my veil.
I added a plastic sheet to a few sides of his cage to keep humidity in and I also have a misting system that sprays his 2 live plants for 30 sec every 2 hours over a 12 hour day period.
I suggest add siding to your cage to keep some humidity in. The mister would also be nice as your pale can get water on a regular basis.
Here is a picture of cage. It is 18 x 18 x 30. I have two live plants in there.

There is a lot of air space to humidify in your cage. More foliage will help (along with more leaf surfaces to catch and hold water, the plant's transpiration and moist pot soil help too), but you can easily attach some clear plastic sheeting to back and sides of the cage itself. The plastic will catch and hold some of the spray itself, and it will slow down the dryout rate.
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