Food coloring?


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I have two chams and I put cardboard between the cages so they can't see eachother, the cardboard has some blue marker on it and I was misting my one chams cage and the blue marker started to run, my Cham went straight for the blue water instead of the clear water, he couldn't get to it because of the screen but my question was, is food coloring ok for chams to ingest? I was wondering if I could put some in my chams water to get him to drink better.
There's no real reason a cham should be more attracted to blue water versus clear water. Are you offering your cham water in a dish? Its normal for them to lick water droplets off the foliage in the cage, not out of a dish unless they are dehydrated and seriously thirsty and have learned that a dish MIGHT have water in it. They don't really "see" water unless its moving (dripping, splashing). Maybe your cham was attracted to the movement of the dyed water as it ran. What's your cage like? Do you spray the plants?
There's no real reason a cham should be more attracted to blue water versus clear water. Are you offering your cham water in a dish? Its normal for them to lick water droplets off the foliage in the cage, not out of a dish unless they are dehydrated and seriously thirsty and have learned that a dish MIGHT have water in it. They don't really "see" water unless its moving (dripping, splashing). Maybe your cham was attracted to the movement of the dyed water as it ran. What's your cage like? Do you spray the plants?

I spray his cage 2 times a day sometimes more when it's super hot, for 2-4 minutes at a time he usually drinks ok and licks it off the screen cage instead of the fake plants I have in there for him. He currently does not have a lot of plants in his cage because I am going to get him a tree to climb on in the next few days and then I will add more if there is room left. There is no dish with water in his cage. He's not dehydrated but once in awhile I struggle with both my chams to get enough water, I even have a dripper for both of them. My veiled gives me the most trouble and I can't get her to really drink maybe she does when I'm not watching, but if she doesn't drink in the times I spray her cage I give her green leaf lettuce with water on it. I thought if my Panther went for the water maybe she would to.
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