Food for 1 month old nosy be

You could start with fruit flies and pinhead to 3/16" crickets, depending on his size. I got my nosy be at around 2 months and I just asked the breeder what he fed. :)
anything small. tiny tiny horn, silk, super, wax, worms. FF's and pinhead crickets are the most common tho.
bean beatles and baby mantids are good too but harder to find.
I would recommend you feed everything that is an appropriate size.

Some examples of good small feeders are:
  • Small Phoenix Worms
  • Small Dubia Nymphs
  • Lesser Waxworms
  • House Crickets
  • House Flies
  • Regular sized Butterworms
  • Small Silkworms
  • Small Superworms
  • Small Hornworms

As you can see, there are plenty of options for quality feeders out there.

Hope this helps :)

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