Food Issue!


New Member
Hey guys. so i didnt realize untill thismorning and i have no crickets. im actually broke and am not grabbing my pay till later on today. My panther Charlie is very hungry and i seen him trying to eat my cricket cup :\ he wont eat meal worms even as a treat so sorta slow his hunger. what can i feed him so he wont starve untill i grab some crickets today!!?
when is the last time you fed him because they can last a while without eating

i think you might want to buy some dubia roaches
ok im good guys. and i fed him last night but he was trying to eat anything he could in his terrarium i dunno lol hes good now thanks!
ok im good guys. and i fed him last night but he was trying to eat anything he could in his terrarium i dunno lol hes good now thanks!

Where do you buy your feeders? We have a store at Keele and Dundas. If you live close to me, you can come grab some from me if you're ever in a bind. I live at Dufferin/Rogers. ;)
i'm intrigued by Lizardlover sayin about veileds eating greens

its been known for mine to eat his spider plant but that was when he was younger, he hasn't ate them for a while. if i put kale in his viv would he be likely to eat it?? or do some not bother? also if i were to do this, would i put it in a feeding dish? and should it be low or high in his viv?

he goes to the bottom to hunt and poo! and cool down obviously.
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