Food options for baby


New Member
Hey guys! So I have what we've guessed on here is around a 3 mo old male veiled. He's tiny as babies are, about 3" without tail. So far he's had crickets, silkworms, ad reptiworms. Reptiworms weren't ahit with him but he enjoyed them when they became flies. I'm interested in other feeders, but I want to stay away from roaches. I've read about hornworms but they seem rather large. Any recommendations on other feeders? Thanks! -Lita
Hornworms are great, especially when trying to rehydrate, but thye get big super fast.
And I mean super fast.
I ordered 25 horns. they were maybe an inch long, half the thickness of a wooden number 2 pencil..
Now, they have doubled in length and width, in less than a week!
Not joking. they got seriously huge.
Howeverm when your cham gets bigger, say around 7-8 months, you can begin feeding them to him, because even when they get as big as mine got now, he can still eat them.
I have a 10 month old male and he loves them (once he figured out it was food)
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