Food/Worm help


New Member
So there is a lot of talk about the type of worms and how often to feed them to my chameleon. I need so help are superworms okay to feed to him often or are they like mealworms where he should only get them once a week? Also what about Silkworms are they any better or still the same only once in a while? Any suggestions would be great.
So there is a lot of talk about the type of worms and how often to feed them to my chameleon. I need so help are superworms okay to feed to him often or are they like mealworms where he should only get them once a week? Also what about Silkworms are they any better or still the same only once in a while? Any suggestions would be great.

HI Kbullock,

This depends on your budget i suppose. I only feed Silkies once in a while as they tend to cause runny poop im my chams. However i feed Supers every few days and my chams cant get enough of them, just be careful as they are very fatty!

Just try keep it varied thats the trick! :)

Okay that sounds good I give mine a combo of crickets, supers, and dubias right now but wanted to try silkworms too. Anyone know of a good source to buy silkworms?
keep the worms separate, they would likely kill each other if put in together not to mention that silkworms need to be kept quite clean or else they will die very easily.
I prefer to buy from the forums' sponsors.
Here's one who stocks plenty of different feeders, including both silkworms and hornworms:
Cleanliness is a must with silkworms, which seem to have little tolerance for "germs".
Housed with hornworms, they definitely won't survive.
Okay cool what type of beeding should I use for the silkworms? I use oatmeal for the superworms right now.. Also can I feed them the same gutload stuff that I feed my crickets? The superworms love the gutload food.

I prefer to buy from the forums' sponsors.
Here's one who stocks plenty of different feeders, including both silkworms and hornworms:
Cleanliness is a must with silkworms, which seem to have little tolerance for "germs".
Housed with hornworms, they definitely won't survive.
you mean a premade gutload or items such as kale, carrots, apples etc. I gutload my supers with veggies and fruits. They love the dark green veggies such as romaine, kale and collards.
Okay cool what type of beeding should I use for the silkworms?
No bedding, that I'm aware of. The ones I've gotten have lived on a piece of plastic mesh that was included with them, to keep them above their waste matter.
Their food is Silkworm chow or, if you're lucky enough to have access to a pesticide-free mulberry tree, they will happily eat mulberry leaves.
I don't know whether or not they are "gutloadable", though some have reported feeding them dandelion leaves for a short while.
Maybe someone else will chime-in.

One warning about the Hornworms/Goliath Worms---NEVER use ones that have consumed tomato plant leaves.
Tomato plant leaves are highly toxic and feeding a bug to your cham that has been eating tomato leaves will kill your cham.
TY a lot of the links are not working or have no silkworms but I found one. DO you know if I can put super and silkworms in the same cage/container?

Which links arent working for you?

No, keep supers and silkies separate. (supers will chew on silkies)

You may find this useful:
they will eat Mulberry leaves, silkworm chow, dandelion leaves. And all three of these are suitable gutload.
Sandrachameleon, I had just found that thread and have bookmarked it for my own reference.
An excellent discussion about silkworms.
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