
What should I be feeding my 6 1/2 month old Chameleon? I generally always have 5-6 super worms in the cage at all times for when I am not home and then when I am home I give him 5 each morning and 5 each night. Sometimes 1 in the afternoon. Is this too much or too less? His water is on the same times as feeding but for longer periods.
Ive read on here before not to feed too late in the day but ive also read that some ppl like to always have some free roamers in the cage I think it is just personal preference or whatever it takes to get you cham fed. Basically my philosophy has been feed as much as they can eat and if there is leftovers back it off a bit and see how it reacts. If you see him/her roaming looking for food give it more.
Also they recommend using as many different types of feeders as possible at least 5 ideally cricks, supers, silks, roaches, and an occaisional hornworm or butter worm or phoenix worms dusted properly with calcium and occaisionally vitamins is just an idea of what i do. Mine mostly eats the supers though!
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