For people who have recently ordered insects from me


Chameleon Enthusiast
I am sorry for the delays! I have found some places to buy deli cups near by so I can make some so I don't have to wait for any to be shipped! I plan to send extra insects (not tons but as much as I can afford) to those who have had to wait due to the weather currently here (thunderstorm going on in Central California... weird weather is annoying and sadly is one of the most common and not harmful weather phenomenons we have that honestly terrifies me... earthquakes I can deal with... thunders scares me... honest)... deli cups will be worked on all day today.

I have made a huge list of those who have ordered this week or who will be ordering in a couple a days. I currently have 5 people two of which were meant to be shipped out this week and some of which who ordered this week and who won't be shipped out until next week. Hoping to get it all done by next week, but I will do who I owe this week first. Therefore if you ordered this week, you may be pushed until early of the following week. I will alert all of you to it. I try to collect my insects the day they go out, which can make it slow going. But I plan to wake myself up early until I ship out everything that is due. Because I am frustrated with all these delays. Usually it is not THIS bad on my end, sometimes the insects don't cooperate... but I honestly can't do much in that area if I expected them to be ready and they aren't. I am one person who will 100% not put the colonies I have at risk or the insects I am shipping at risk.

I hope those who are expecting from me understand and aren't too frustrated. Sadly life hates more than it should. I hope once the insects get there it will be all worth it. I take pride on how healthy the insects I raise are, so hopefully you will be happily surprised <3
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