For those in the uk?


New Member
Hi where does people order their supplements from? online?

AS the shop near me is still out of,calcicium without d3, and a multivit, but i have calimax with d3,

Also the best place to buy a hisbiscus? or a good plant for my yemen, i have been to 3 garden centres and not one had any, thanks again,
i use pure calcium dust(komodo cricket dust) & nutrobal,you can get these from any reptile shops,as the are very common.
i get most of my live plants from b&q(ficus,umbralla plant & pothos(devils ivy)

hope this helps

I found Hibiscus in a Thmpson's Garden Centre in the summer. I think they are a summer season plant over here, so I doubt you'll find any until about July/August time. I buy all my supplements, etc from here: They are only 10 mins away from me and I go into the shop to get whatever I need from food to UV bulbs. They offer a very good service and keep various reptiles themselves so they know what they are talking about!

Edit - I use the same supplements as gad58y and also get all my plants from B&Q, apart from Hibiscus - I've never seen them at B&Q!
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Thanks for the replys, i will try b and q tommorrow as i have a massive one near me, any chance of any of them plants this time of year? thanks

Ps thanks for the link will order form there as need some asap and is the nutrabol without d3 it does not say? and the pro reptile pro vit any good thanks
B&Q usually stock Schefflera (Umbrella plant), Ficus (Weeping Fig) and Pothos (Devil's Ivy) and have a couple of different sizes available in the Schefflera and Ficus too. Make sure you wash the leaves with soapy water and rinse well after to remove any pesticide residues. I also cover the soil with river rocks/pebbles. Morrisons sell these in net bags in the housewares section. Quite often they are buy one get one free - I usually soak them in hot soapy water and rinse well first before putting them on top of the exposed soil. This prevents the chams from accidentally eating soil when catching prey.

Komodo Cricket dust is plain calcium and Nutrabol is a vitamin powder which contains calcium and D3. I use plain calcium 3 days a week and Nutrabol once a week. Amy is 10 months old and Tommy is an adult. When I first got Amy at 3 months I used plain calcium 6 days a week and Nutrabol on Sundays, then gradually cut down the calcium to 3 days per week after she got to 6 months.
I got my Ficus Benjamina from a local garden centre and my Ficus Gingsen Bonsai from a different local garden centre.

I bought 3 small Hibiscus trees + Ficus 'exotica' off ebay.

A few days a go I got 3 Flaming Katies (only 98p each) + Devils Ivy (Pothos) (around £4.98) from B&Q. B&Q had quite a selection of house plants.

I've also seen some of these things available from Ikea.

I got my supplement (euro rep pure calcium) from local pet shop. I'm thinking of getting some D3 calcium and possibly A from internet but I haven't gotten round to that yet.
Thanks for the replys b and q it is then, and i have an ikea not too far so all is good, and get my calcium then hopefuly sorted,
I don't think I saw any Hibiscus in Ikea but there was Ficus Benjamina, a selection of other possible plants and some fairly expensive (although quite impressive) bonsai ficus benjamina.

They had much Hedera Helix which is collective name for Ivy and they didn't specify what type of Ivy each one was. I am not aware any of them were Pothos but I can't say for sure.
Thanks mate i will give them a go, im just after a real/safe plant for now, then when the seasons are good i will get a hisbiscus in there, as they seem to be a good choice,
"focus" do about 6foot umbrela plants for £10 which can be cut down and re potted to make 4 or 5 decent sized plants!

"the range" by me are always trying to sell discounted ficus's and dracana's.
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