Force feeding chameleons


Chameleon Enthusiast
So usually I use a liquid diet such as carnivore care mixed with a tiny tiny bit of repashy calcium plus a few times a week. The liquid diet I feed at least 1 cc regularly once a day. However with my more... Understanding rescues... I do force feed actual insects. Usually I stick with silkworms and other soft bodied feeders. I usually just irritate the sides of their mouth until they puff and then I can safely wedge open their mouth and place the feeder inside. Usually they will spit out the first feeder, but if you continually place it back inside, and hold their mouth tilted up they will eat it. Afterwards it's usually easier to give feeders and they will eat the rest with no problems until the next day. This is a way for people to feed healthy feeders and vitamins if you are unable to get a liquid diet or make one using a blender.
U can also cut the feeder in half to appropriate size in bit pieces before u force feeding to a sick cham,get rid of all the sharp edge like legs n head especially when they have a month rot problem .
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