Found a surprize

I went outside to get some mulberry leaves for my silkworms and found a surprise cacoon under one leaf. I have hundreds of monarchs in all stages of life invading the backyard right now. .
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Sounds like you're going to have a cheaper feeding bill this week. ;)
...err wait, derp, aren't Monarchs poisonous? I was thinking of Painted Lady butterflies.
Sounds like you're going to have a cheaper feeding bill this week. ;)
...err wait, derp, aren't Monarchs poisonous? I was thinking of Painted Lady butterflies.

Yes, these are just for looking. You will find at lease one fluttering around my backyard at all times of sunshine. They even have mini dogfights in air, and chase off hummingbirds from the flowers. Painted Ladies only seem to migrate through my yard once a year, and only for a couple of days. The Monarchs are safe from being fed off, and seem to know it. Only praying mantis seem to catch them every now and then.
Unfortunate that they aren't good eatin'. Regardless a neat site I'd bet. :) I remember seeing Monarchs in my backyard when I was little... haven't seen another since. :(
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