Freak accident


New Member
On January 12th I suddenly woke up from a deep sleep due to a loud thud from my chameleons cage. I layed in bed waiting to hear movement, but instead I heard loud shrieking. I rushed to my collection of cages trying to find the sound. It was Dexter, my first reptile ever owned. He had fallen to the bottom of his extra large exo terra cage. His eyes were shut and his body was limp. I tried to pick him up but then he flexed his whole body and gasped for air, making that shreiking noise again. His body would puff up as he was trying to gasp for air, but he was not steadily breathing. I held him in my hand for hours as he kept doing that over and over. As time progressed the gasps for air slowly stopped. His colors rapidly changed from pale yellow to bright green. It was about 4:30 am when he took his final breath. Dexter was my best friend and he meant so much to me. Hours of my day were spent spoiling him and loving him. Taking care of him turned into a hobby and he changed my life. It's almost been 2 weeks now since he passed and I can't get over what happened. I can't get that shrieking noise out of my head. Parts of my feel like I could've done something, or could have prevented it. He was only 3 years old and healthy as could be, why did he have to go so soon. Posting this to hopefully get some info on why this might have happened or maybe if this has happened to anyone else. I can't stop questioning why this would happen.
Dexter is now buried in my back yard underneath a maple tree that I had planted. During summer his offsprings will explore on the maple taking on the beautiful genes of their father.
Very sorry for your loss. He may have had a health problem unknown to you. I have read that sometimes the chams don't show symptoms until it's too late.
Rest in paradise D.


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Sorry for your loss...

But sometimes it just happens...
Probably something like a stroke, it can happen to anybody at any time for no particular reason.

I know it won't easy the pain but at least be grateful he died without a lot of suffering like we se hapen to so many chams on these forums.
Chameleons can and do fall and sometimes it can be serious. Hitting a pot rim, a branch, stones in pots, the drain tray, or any hard decor can cause a fatal injury. It's not especially common, but not impossible and not always because the chameleon had a health problem.
Chameleons can also have the same issues humans do, in terms of aneurysms, strokes, sudden heart attacks, and other things that oringinate from congenital defects and random acts of life.
I'm sorry for your loss.
It sounded like his lungs were collapsing. That shrieking noise was so loud and rough. I really hope he wasn't in to much pain.. it's all I think about.
I am so sorry. Freak accidents like that can be so heartbreaking. I wish I had some wisdom to offer you.
I'm so sorry for your loss..... Dexter sounds like an awesome buddy, so sad he had to leave so soon. :'( I don't know what you're going through, but it must be very hard.... R.I.P. Dexter.....
I am so sorry for your loss. It does sound like a very unfortunate freak accident. By your post I can tell you loved him very much. May his loving memories live on in your heart forever.
I am sorry for your loss. I had a parakeet when i was young that had a stroke. Also, my hubby and I have lost 2 guinea pigs just as suddenly. Neither one was sick in any way. But we woke up to a dead animal. I am really sorry. I know how hard it is.
So sorry. It sounds like it wasn't your fault, so give yourself a break. If you raise clutches, you must being doing stuff correctly. He was a fine looking fellow, attributed to good husbandry.
i'm so sorry for your loss of Dexter, he sounds like he had a fantastic life with you and he was beautiful. I'm sure you had good times with him and that's what you have to remember, the happy moments. I hope you're doing ok though <3
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