Free constant flow of food!!


Avid Member
well not totally free. There is a very small start up price. I discovered this totally by accident.
I bought a couple bean beatle cultures. I was getting frustrated because they produce so little food and it's slow going. So I decided I'm done with bean Beatles and was getting ready to throw out my cultures and I thought well there's atleast a few more Beatles hiding in the black eye peas they come with. So I dumped the culture into the dirt of a live plant.
Well this is inside a hatchling panthers cage. About 10 babies inside.
So I'm also feeding fruit flys. Well the fruit flys that don't get eaten I guess have found a home inside of the black eyed peas. They started breeding and all I have to do now is water the cage and fruit flys magically start flying around.
Not an overwhelming amount seems to be as perfect as if I were feeding them fresh fruit flys myself.
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