Freeze Dried bugs


So I bought 3 bags of freeze dried grasshoppers on the day I bought my chameleon, Alphys. The pet store guy said they were "essential". Thanks to the many advice and suggestions I was given on this forum, I realized that guy was wrong.
However, in a pinch, will freeze dried bugs be safe for Alphys? I know freeze dried bugs are not a good choice of food for a chameleon. But I admit somedays there is a lack of bugs in my area to catch, and I don't want that to affect Alphys.
So my main question is:
How do you prepare a freeze dried grasshopper as a meal for a chameleon?
I won't give it to her on a daily or weekly basis.

Thanks in advance!
Sorry, but the short answer is, you don't prepare them. Chameleons eat live prey, for the nutrition, as well as they need to see the movement (think of the T-Rex from Jurassic Park). I'd take them back to the store and get your money back. Good luck!
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