Friend won't listen to me about his chameleon

Ok so me and my friend got veiled chameleons for Christmas and I encouraged him to get as much info as possible about them! But all he did was gt information from the pet store! His chameleon is tiny and I always say you need to start a cricket farm so you are feeding him at least 15 crickets a day. But he say well there are always crickets on the bottom of the cage and I always say 4/5 crickets is not enough of them! Then he also wouldn't listen when I told him he can't have vitamin d3 in his calcium. HE JUST WON'T LISTEN TO ME AND I FEEL SO BAD FOR HIS CHAM. How do I get him to realize that his cham is not healthy!?:(:mad:
depending on what species is how often he can use d3 calicum. veiled: he can have d3 in his calcium, you just use that calium twice a month and use calcium without d3 every feeding.
what kind of chameleon does he have?
Aside from sneaking the Cham out of his cage when you are at his house and stealing it, he will realize he screwed up when the poor thing dies, and it will if its not getting the proper care it needs! Poor thing!
that will cause serious problems..
this is the link to the veiled caresheet.
accurate, real info on veileds, you have probably already seen it. i would print it out and give it to him and tell him it was compilied by chameleon keepers who have had chams for decades and vets. if he still questions the accuracy suggest he make a profile on here and check it out for himself. thats really all you can do.. if he still doesnt want to even read the caresheet and give it a chance, its his lost but its sad for his cham :(
can we get funding to send infmation to EVERY SINGLE D*M PET STORE IN THE WORLD. I AM SO SAD FOR THESE CHAMS WHO ARENT SO LUCKY. Im trying my best, as we all are... some people just wont learn... how him the MBD forum pictures.... show him whats going to happen before its to late... if he dont listen, print pictures... show him what will happen, show his significant other, whoever he lives with someone he might listen to? offen to help him, show him the things, honestly if u have a cricket farm, go visit him, hide his d3 suppliment and hive him some calcium dusted crickets, just dump them in his cage. he cant be mad
.. when he sees him start to get hwalthier maybe he will open his eyes.

sorry, im so angry @ pet stores, bet u couldnt tell:rolleyes:
I will send it to him but he's a stubborn little fifth grader (I'm seventh) me and him share a common interest in reptiles only difference is I have better quality herps. And I'm starting to think I should have never even shown the little vields to him!
i honestly dont know if a 5th grade child should be soley caring for a baby chameleon, they need very precise care to be healthy. i would print out the caresheet and give it to his parents. tell them what he is doing wrong and how it can negatively affect his cham. hopefully they will take control and do what is right for this baby cham
No the pet store is a great pet store I fact I was volunteering there yesterday its just this kid only gets his info from them and no one can no everything about them! So he needs to expand and find care sheets and YouTube videos things like that instead of one source. The chameleons these people sell are in really really good condition too.
I will send it to him but he's a stubborn little fifth grader (I'm seventh) me and him share a common interest in reptiles only difference is I have better quality herps. And I'm starting to think I should have never even shown the little vields to him!

Well don't feel guilty about it.....his chameleon is his responsibility. All you can do is provide information and try to keep calm about it.
Hopefully he will at least read it if you print off the caresheet, and then you will have done all you can justifiably do to help his lizard out. Please also bear in mind that his chameleon probably still is healthy enough to survive for a few years, but more refined care is needed for a chameleon to really thrive. Good on you for being someone who wants to provide better care for his own animals.
And yes those parents are pretty much the same. You know how some UVB lights come with a little plastic covering for shipping well I had to give them a lecture that UVB doesnot penetrate through the plastic as well just like you don't get sunburns when you are in a car and that why it needs to come off.
can we get funding to send infmation to EVERY SINGLE D*M PET STORE IN THE WORLD. I AM SO SAD FOR THESE CHAMS WHO ARENT SO LUCKY. Im trying my best, as we all are... some people just wont learn... how him the MBD forum pictures.... show him whats going to happen before its to late... if he dont listen, print pictures... show him what will happen, show his significant other, whoever he lives with someone he might listen to? offen to help him, show him the things, honestly if u have a cricket farm, go visit him, hide his d3 suppliment and hive him some calcium dusted crickets, just dump them in his cage. he cant be mad
.. when he sees him start to get hwalthier maybe he will open his eyes.

sorry, im so angry @ pet stores, bet u couldnt tell:rolleyes:

I am ready to start a petition the care from petco is so bad. :( I want to give a cage to them that is appropriate or something.
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