Fruits and Baby Panther Chameleon


New Member
Hi everyone, I was just wondering if I could introduce my 4 month old baby panther chameleon to fruit, and if so which beginning fruits do you recommend? I am going through my cupboards and found some very ripe pluots (which have small pits) that are bound to be thrown away because my kids are grossed out by the squishiness. I know some pit bearing fruits are toxic and to cut very far away from pits in the fruits that are acceptable, but I'm not quite sure which ones those are. Anyone have personal experience with pluots? What an odd question, haha. He is on a regular diet of gutloaded and dusted 1 week old crickets daily with phoenix worms every so often. He's a little piglet so I was hoping to add more variety to his diet.
It is my understanding that panthers don't like fruits and vegetables, that they are a strictly live prey eating species. That doesn't mean that you couldn't try some fruits with yours, but it could be dangerous since I have not heard of any eating fruits.
Instead of feeding baby panther fruit,try feed the fruit to the crickets prior u feed ur crickets to ur panther baby,same result in a different way.
I tried, my panther wont even look at anything other then insects, an that poor anole that got stuck in his cage
Panthers are strictly insect-only chameleons. Don't try to feed them fruit or vegetables. Gutload your insects really well with your fruits and veggies and when your chameleon eats the insects, it is getting all the nutrition from the greens because it's going to be in the stomachs of your feeders.
Awesome, that's the conclusion I came to as well after a bunch of research. Thank you guys for confirming! <3
Welcome to the forums. You can offer him some small sliver of fruits and veggies and a variety of greens. Some of my panthers liked them and some didn't.
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