Fruits and non-Veiled chameleons


New Member
I was wondering how many of you give fruits to your non-Calyptratus chameleons. What do you give, how much, how do you do it??
I have one panther that will eat anything I offer him. He has eaten grapes, turnip greens, mustard greens, banana, strawberry and apple. He will only eat it as long as I hand it to him.
Thank you for answering both of you! :)

Heather, how often do you give him fruits? And how much? Have you also tried with your other chameleons??
Grapes I don't give but every few weeks and about 2-3 at a time. They can cause loose fecals. I offer him fruits and veggies every time I give it to the veileds, so everyday. He will usually eat it 1-2x per week. I mix up a few things in like a 'salad', he seems to like that best and he gets good variety that way.
My daughter has panthers that will ate fruits and veggies from her hand. They tend to eat anything that comes from your hand.
Thank you Heather, i really appreciate the details! :)

Jann, could you give me more details please? Or perhaps your daughter could. *shrug*.

The more infos i get, the happier i will be! :) So if anyone has more anecdotes, feel free to post them! :)
Thank you Heather, i really appreciate the details! :)

Jann, could you give me more details please? Or perhaps your daughter could. *shrug*.

The more infos i get, the happier i will be! :) So if anyone has more anecdotes, feel free to post them! :)

My daughter has an old panther that she feeds grapes to to keep him regular. Her other panthers she just gives them little bites of what ever she has. Collard greens for the crickets or apple for herself. She also use to have a Melleri that like banana.
My Veiled never got into the whole veggie thing.
Maybe I should offer it again?
How do you offer it? I hear a method of putting it in the feeder cup under feeders chopped up into small pieces, and when they hit the cricket they pick up so veggies too.
I am sorry Ellron as i didn't see your message previously. Calyptratus can be fed vegetables and fruits pretty easily. Often, some people just leave the food in their enclosure, somewhere that it can be seen and shot easily.

If your chameleon still doesn't want to eat any, you can try a few pieces of fruits, put them between your fingers or in your hand, and make the food shake and move a little, to catch your chameleon's attention. You can also try different fruits every once in a while! :)

Hope this helps!
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