Funny Cham Names


New Member
I have trouble thinking of celebrity cham names. For example 'Cham Newton' or 'Chamillionaire'. What are some other funny or clever names people have thought of?!
O'Chamer Bin Ladin?? or O'Kammer Bin Ladin?? <~~~ see what i did there? lol

lol ^^ this one made me laugh
Cham newton / 0ptimus cham is my lil panthes name

Also was considering

Cham marino....

Chamuel L jackson

Peter south

Dr. doom

and killa cam
I think its Cheney, on here that has my favorite. They have a jackson named Jackson Pollock :D
My new ambilobe that comes in tuesday will be named Donahue, get it? Don, a, hue?
hahaha el chamino, i havent heard that one yet. i always loved chamelio esteves. im not certain, but i think chamuel jackson is one... :p
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