Funny Little Things


New Member
Hi All! I had just fed Oliver this morning when I realized he does the funniest little thing right before and after he eats. He will always lick his lips right before he shoots for a bug, and right after he swallows. Maybe all chameleons do this, I'm not sure, but I found it super funny!

What are some funny things you noticed you cham does? :)
My Jax smacks his lips when he's ready for the next feeder, like he's saying "That was great, Pink Faced Giant, give me another!" :D
My little pyg, sticks out his tongue for a second and then bobs a little form side to side deciding which fly to get, even if they all do it, it's still pretty funny to watch!
My male panther "revs" up his tongue a couple of times, and also licks his lips. He's the only one who hand-feeds, so I don't know if it's just him being weird, or not. It is incredibly cute though!
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