Funny Veiled Feeding Habit


Established Member
Ok, so Moose, my male veiled has started this new habit every time we feed him. We cup feed him in a large neon green see through cup. Well now that he is used to that cup, every time he sees one of those cups he runs to the opening in the cage expecting food. It's pretty funny. Mainly because we use the same cups to drink out of and if we walk by the cage with a drink he comes to the front and just stares at you expecting some kind of food.

Also take note that Moose is probably one of the nastiest veileds you will meet. It is basically impossible to get him out of the cage and when he does come out for check ups etc. he tries to take a nip out of anything he can see. But when he sees that green cup he is a sweetie :p

Anyone else have a cham that has learned a trick like that?
This is called a 'pavlovian response', after pavlov, who trained dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell, by offering a treat and ringing the bell each time. The animal associates the sound with food and responds accordingly. Eventually the sound alone causes the dog to drool because its expecting food.
Likewise your clever cham has associated the green cup with tasty food. My cham goes to his fav spot where I hang the feed cup immediately on seeing me pick it up.

This is a good thing, makes feeding easy. :)
Sometimes I hand feed my female veiled crickets and she knows what that means now so when ever I try to fix something in her cage or take her out she shoots her tongue out at my hand or trys to.:D It's weird.
my male like "his red cup" lol its his favorite and he loves seeing me grab the misting bottle i hand feed but put the feeders in the cup first and take them out and hand feed he goes rodd eyed and its so cute
oh and when i stick my tongue out he like does this "pray to the Lord" thing and gets on his hind legs and sways back and forth with his hands up thats also cute :)
I bet you could use the green cup to get him to come out of the cage nicely.

Lol Jann, that's exactly how I coax him out of his cage. The difficult part is keeping him on my hand / arm and getting him back in the cage with all fingers in tact.
Nice thing is now that we have gotten him used to cup feeding I can stick my hand in while holding a cricket and he wont lunge at my hand anymore, just zaps the cricket right out from between my fingers.
LOL, that's awesome.
I dunno whether I can call this a trick but he definitely learned something:
My chameleon always recognised when I was taking him to the vet. He was a sweetheart who could sit on my shoulder and not move for hours so when I needed to take him to the vet, I didn't give him into any box. When mama was driving us for the check (I had to go there like four times for a check) he somehow knew what's gonna happen and poo himself- he usually did this only once a week but when "vet check" was in the air, he changed his routine and did this nasty thing in the car.
But when I was taking him to the cottage where we had to spens few weeks he didn't do it in the car...
Thaxter recognizes the measuring cup we use to tote bugs from their cages to his bug cup (or to offer him for cup feeding). His eyes light up when he sees the measuring cup, sometimes well before he spots the actual bug; you can see him swing them into stereo and start the protrude the tongue, then have to stop for a moment while he locates the prey.
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