Gape and Shutter


Hi. Our 8 month old ambilobe Yoshi, has been acting oddly on occasion. He gapes, as if yawning, or thermoregulating but very briefly shutters his body, immediately after the yawn. He has uvb, we use repti vite, calcium D3 in 2 week succession, with calcium regularly. We've read this may have to do with deficiency, but he is very active. He eats a mixture of supper worms, butter worms, and crickets. We just got him to eat banana. Our temperature and humidity are very well controlled in a vivarium, with basking area and cooler areas yoshi is very comfortable with.

We need to know if this is a normal yawn, or something to be concerned about.

Thank you
They do yawn regularly. Sometimes 2-3 times a day. Kind of like us. Especially when basking. As long as they aren't wheezing or making noises. Then again I'm no specialist, just based off of research and hours of spending time with him.


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On a good site on symptoms of certain illness.


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