general handling of a vield


New Member
ive had dovah(2-3months old) for about a month and a half now and she seems to get iratated by me very easily and likes to run away everytime i try to handle her, Also she wont let me hand feed her; i had my hand in her cage for 30 minutes with a meal worm and she wouldent go for it. So i was wondering if i should back off for a bit and just keep trying?
GLOVES! That is all :D

Seriously though I do wear gloves, green ones, they don't seem to stress my girl out as much. As for hand feeding, it took us a good lot of months before my girl would eat from my hand but now she does it all the time!

Some people are lucky and have well tempered veileds that will tolerate handling and even seem to enjoy it! But it's all luck of the draw. The most important thing is that you can take your chameleon out of his tank when you really need to like for the vets or outside sunshine time. My girl still hates being taken out! I can do it and she enjoys it when she's out but the process is a bit hissy and lungey :)
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