General Question


New Member
Hi, I'm new to this and have kept geckos in the past, but now am refurbishing my interest in reptiles, except this time chameleons have caught my interest. There is a jacksons and veiled chameleon at my local pet store and they just got them in. I'm wondering 2 things, 1, which one would be easier to take care of? 2, which one handles better? Last time I handled a veiled, it bit me lol and it hurt very bad...Was it just in a bad mood or is that typical?
Hi, I'm new to this and have kept geckos in the past, but now am refurbishing my interest in reptiles, except this time chameleons have caught my interest. There is a jacksons and veiled chameleon at my local pet store and they just got them in. I'm wondering 2 things, 1, which one would be easier to take care of? 2, which one handles better? Last time I handled a veiled, it bit me lol and it hurt very bad...Was it just in a bad mood or is that typical?

You need to do a lot of homework before considering buying one of these animals.
Both are very cool, and fun to keep.
Veileds can be a little more forgiving on husbandry, and are thought to be easier to care for.
You shouldnt handle any chameleon because they stress out very easily.
They are an animal for looking at, think of them as fish.:rolleyes:
You are atleast two weeks out from buying a chameleon and 200$ better be in your wallet.
Because you will spend every peeny of it.
Justin is right you have a lot of homework to do. But this isnt like any old homework this is FUN AND INTERSTING to research and learn about these unique creatures. My first cham was a jacksons. These quys have higher humidity requirements and less tolerant to high temps as the veileds. Either would be a good choice as a first just with the jacksons be prepared to give him cooler temps and probably be good to get a humidifier depending on where you live. If you are interested and are afraid the cham you want might sell you can go to the store and put a payment on him. Let them know you want to get his setup done and do your homework before you take him home. If this is a decent shop there should be no problem with that. Actually if it is decent they would ask you to do this first. Good luck.
For beginners in chameleon, I always recommend Male veiled chameleons or Male Panther if you have the dough to spend.

Justin is right do a lot of homework. However, you're one step in the right direction by joining this forum. There is a lot of valuable information, and knowledgeable people on here that can help you along the way.
Thank you all for your input! I'm most likely going to go buy a book on chameleons at books a million tonight, money isn't an issue so its just a matter of time, and knowledge before I can get one. They usually have veileds year round but the jackons horns really made me intrigued, I couldn't help to think how much it looked like a dinosaur so it just set off a trigger. Thanks again though:)
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