Gettin silkworm eggs?????


New Member
I ordered 2,000 silkworm eggs so when I get them I can just put them n the fridge right?? I guess when I need them I will take out however I need and hatch them and feed them right???? LOL Sorry but I am new to the silk worm thing I have done a lil reasearch but I want to be sure! How long will they keep in the fridge?? Thanks everyone!
They will last up to 6 months in the fridge at temperatures of 30-40F. You have a higher hatch rate the sooner you use them. They also need to be shipped cold (with ice packs) then go right into the fridge. Also, look up the Silkworms 101 thread for excellent info on care.
how long does it take to hatch after taking out of the fridge, then how long until they are big enough to feed to our chams.

Sorry for highjacking this thread.
Ok thanks bridgofaith! I just got some info on a silkworms schedule. Eggs hatch n about 2-20 days then caterpillars eat for about 26 days before spinning silk. It takes about 3 days to fully spin a cocoon & turn to pupa. The moth emerges after about 21 days. They do there business then the female should lay eggs within 2 days after emerging. They say to keep temps around 78- 88 degrees and I just found out that you will probably need 1lb of food for 1000 worms to grow them to cocoon. I hope this correct because i will prabably go by this schedule.
1lb of cooked chow is not going to be enough food for 1000 silkies. 2lbs. of cooked chow will feed and grow about 500 silkies to about 2 inch size. They eat a TON of food! Cooked chow will keep for about a month in the fridge.
If you havent already make sure you are getting the cold pack ones becasue the ones you order ofline usually come ready to hatch and if you put them back in the fridge they will die. I would also get alot more food depending on how big you want them becasue they eat so much more then you could ever imagine. I used a closet with a bulb in it to keep the heat up and some just at room temp and the ones in the closet grew like 3 times faster. Also remeber if you need them to stop growing then just dont feed them for a few days.
Sounds like good advice!! I didn't ask 4 a cold pack so I guess I will be hatching lots of worms!! Thats fine cause that will get me going! I will make sure and call mulberry farm to make sure how they sent them. Plus it is like 30 degress here n Ky well today it is a lil warmer. I hope I can get them n the fridge though! You all have a great day!!
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