Goble! Goble!


Established Member
Happy Thanks Giving everyone!........Well not so happy for the turkeys... :D "Eat chicken!"... a wise turkey told me once...well, I was probably high -on life ;)-, talking to a door knob...or something...
Happy Thanksgiving to you too :D I think the turkeys will be thanking me this Thanksgiving, since I no longer eat meat I will be eating everything except the turkey! maybe a Boca Burger :rolleyes: hmmm
Turkey meet stomache....stomache meet turkey....lets get it on!!! XD

Happy Holidays everyone :cool:
Just remembered, Freddie Mercury rest in peace. Great front man, great band. Bijhmila to you all...:(
Happy Thanksgiving!

God Bless us everyone! Wait, that's Christmas...Too much triptofan.....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Don't you all give thanks for the Native Americans accepting your unsavory people at Plymouth Rock? I kid!

Turkey, football, ZzZzZZZzzzzz.............

I give thanks that I usually walk out ahead at the casinos. :p

My T-day has been shot. I have the flu hard core right now and didn't want to drive the 4 hours to see my family with all the icey snow that dropped here in WI over the past 24 hours just to get them all sick, so I am going to sit at home alone and pig out with Samson and probably play some Black Ops once the football games end.

Don't feel bad for me though fellow members, I am a kitchen manager that hates holiday preparations for all the business at the restaurant I work at. So even though I won't be eating turkey all day, I have already prepared enough turkey to feed everyone I have ever met in my life.
I give thanks that I usually walk our ahead at the casinos. :p

My T-day has been shot. I have the flu hard core right now and didn't want to drive the 4 hours to see my family with all the icey snow that dropped here in WI over the past 24 hours just to get them all sick, so I am going to sit at home alone and pig out with Samson and probably play some Black Ops once the football games end.

Don't feel bad for me though fellow members, I am a kitchen manager that hates holiday preparations for all the business at the restaurant I work at. So even though I won't be eating turkey all day, I have already prepared enough turkey to feed everyone I have ever met in my life.

You have not met me yet...
i'm canadian, so our thanksgiving was at a resonable time of year, last month :D lol all jokes. happy thanksgiving to your americans, hope you have a great and blessed one. i was listening to the Lions and Patriots game at work today, LIONS ALMOST WON! well, not almost. but had a good lead for a lil bit. pesky lions will never win haha
Well, I am stuffed up to my neck of turkey, pumpkin soup, salad, cherry pie -yummy!-...and now I'm getting mentally ready to go back to work tomorrow...Ohmmm vatsudeva ya, Ohmmm vatsudeva ya...great to see all the replys!
What a beautiful day here in Georgia - 82 degrees and sunny - AWESOME! Food out the ying/yang too! Enjoyed the food and family! Thank you Lord!
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