Golden Pothos/Schefflera?


New Member
I stumbled upon some of these plants from an aunt of mine. I dont really plan on using any of these plants but if they are safe I am curious. I have done my best to identify them prior to coming here and this is what I have gotten.
If you have any information about them.. Toxic? That would be wonderful.

Umbrella Tree (Schefflera actinophylla)
-I belive this is toxic, however Im not sure 100% if it is this type of plant

Rubber Tree? (Ficus elastica)
- I think the sap is toxic in this, white milky sap?

Golden Pothos?(Epipremnum aureum)
-Not sure if this is golden pothos.

Just happened to find these and I figured my searching alone isn't as good compared to the mass number of cham owners on this forums so it doesnt hurt to run it by..

I have 1 other question however, How do you go about hanging golden pothos in a pot inside a DIYCAGE? I am just interested... Like the aluminum screen cages. TRying to figure out how i want to set things up+
Most ficus is safe not sure about that one. Umbrella trees r good and the pothos too. I use pothos ficus n umbrella tree in my cages. I hang my pothos by putting bambo across the cage n just wrap the hanger around it. Zipties work good too
Schefflera actinophylla is NOT safe! It is the Schefflera Arboricola that is the safe one! I understand that they look very similar. Check out the safe plants section in the resources tab at the top of the page. I think the Ficus Elastica is safe as long as it isn't eaten in large quantities, but doesn't have many branches for the cham to use. I don't use any type of Pothos so I can't help with that one! Ficus Benjamina (weeping fig) and Hibiscus are better plants for the cham.
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