Goliath worms VS silk worms


New Member
I hope im not showing just how unknowledgeable I am about these insects but I am. I went to a local shop that had some goliath worms. turquoise color and black. I wanted to get some but other then them looking rather big (hence the name goliath) I wondered if my 3-4 month old chams would be able to eat them. They look juicy and are almost like silk worms I think.

Are they ok to feed to chams? as silkworms are?

thanks in advance
My chams love them but they grow soooo fast they will outgrow your chams quickly. You can put them in the fridge for a day and then out for a day or two, and repeat but they still grow to an unmanageable size almost before your eyers. A young cham like that could not manage full size, I don't feed full size to my 20 month old panther. If you get them don't get too many. I swear you can watch them grow.

I order from Mulberry Farms, although I am in the process of starting to raise them myself and have a dozen pupae, but I always ask for them to send me the smallest they have. I just got an order the other day and they were nice and tiny.

I like them a lot and my chams go nuts for them. The silks get big too, not sure if it is as fast as the Goliaths as I don't usually get the silks, my boys were not as intrigued by them.
Full sized Goliath Hornworms are way to large for a young chameleon. Some of my large males have a hard time with them.

The one good thing about these guys(Hornworms and silkworms) (if you get them when they are small). They only grow when you feed them.

So yes it is convenient to get the "PODS" for them, but they have a constant food supply and continue to grow right before your eyes.

Take them out of the PODS and in a tubberware like container that can breath and only provide them food every few days. They do not grow as fast!
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