Good environment?


New Member
So I live in south Florida and well I thought it was a good idea to put my veiled chameleon outside. It's about 85 degrees F outside almost all the time and I was wondering something. While it's that hot outside, is it necessary to turn on both my UVB and UVA lights? Or should they stay off.
Turn them off because he will get real UVB from the sun, only turn it on when there is no sun the whole day and that may even be much.
Well are we talking outside, outiside in the sun or on a patio or something that is covered where he does not get uvb rays? If he is getting uvb then you do not need the light, but then again it depends on how many hours he will be exposed to the sun. As far as a basking light you do not need any heat if it is 85 degrees. where do you live in south Fla?
Neither is necessary, in my opinion, if he's outside with just the cage mesh between him and the outdoors. It's warm enough where you don't need any supplemental heat and even if he's just getting 2 hours daily of direct sunshine, there's still enough UVB bouncing around in the shade that he's getting more than he would even under his artificial light. So you don't need to supplement with a UVB bulb either, even on cloudy days.

I'm here in S. Florida too and all of mine are outside full time right now. They loved the rain storm earlier today.
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