Just a little piece of my personal feeding for feeder's.I gut load all feeders that go into a chameleons mouth. From crix;, dubia's;, worms ect;. I feed them all with this at least 48-hours-to more time before I feed to chameleon.I use mostly all greens = collards,mustard greens, turnip greens[hard to find],all green veggies to all feeders.Then I will feed to cham. expect to buy your feeders way before you buy your chameleon almost like cgae and lighting before your cham.you will find this mixture doe's stink a bit but I feed 1-day then put in fresh again. So any green veggie's that your cham don't eat feed your feeders with.Most veils will eat veggs if offered and cut up small enough, and offered right from the time you get him. hope this little bit helps some of you.