Got my first chameleon yesterday!!!


New Member
After months and months of persuading my parents they finally let me have one.
I have no pics yet! He is still exhausted from moving in so is sound asleep. I will get some today. He is a Sambava Panther.

Where did you get the little fellow? How old is he? Cant wait to see some pictures! Ironiclly, my first chamleeon was a Sambava...LOL

That's cool!:p

He is just over 2 months old.:) He was the third biggest (there were about 40 chams to choose from..they were all sooo tiny).

I got him from a place called Millenium Reptiles... I was cautious about buying from a reptile shop but I found that he breeds them himself so it is much the same as buying from a breeder!

I was told not to bother buying a thermometer and a hygrometer... do you think this is OK?
Also.. the dripper drips every 8 seconds.. and the newspaper at the bottom gets very soggy.. is it dripping too much?
ok a thermometer is a most. you need to have a good basking temperature as well as a good surrounding tempereatures, how are you going to know this without one? what size cage do you have him in how. with the newspaper be careful. i dont think that is good to put at the bottom, i would replace it with a paper towel. im sure you know to cage it everyday. i dont know if the ink in newspapers is toxic or not, im sure its not but i wouldnt use it. do you mist the cage and how often? well good luck and get a few thermometers and a hydrometer.
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Got my first cham..........

You need to change your signature line girl! You do have a cham now. My first cham was a Sambava too. Keep working with this group. Scan through all the posts on caging and husbandry. You will get lots of ideas and tips from that forum. Congratulations!
hehe, you're right. :) oops.

He still has no name!!! I'm thinking Calvin or Quincy would suit...

Going to make a thread for his photos now...
I have dalmatians as well...looks like we have two things in common, if only you were super coool and smelled really good then we'd have four!

just kidding but lets see some pics!

lol calvin and quincy sound so british
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