Got my first snails


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So I just got my snail order from snailsinthemail and fixed a tank up for them (and some food).

He gave me 3 for the price of 2 :)

As you can see, they went straight up the sides and are chilling up at the corner!

Hope they are smart enough to find the food :rolleyes:

I also hope my guyz will eat them when I get little ones :rolleyes:

Did I set this up okay? I mixed 50/50 Ecoearth and potting soil.

They have a shallow dish of water I put a few rocks in it.


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Very cool, better not let mine see how nice of a set up yours have,lol. Just make sure the substrate is good and moist. Mine are in a sterlite container with organic potting soil. I couldn't remember where the heck I put the eco earth bricks I had. :) Also, although I know you know, make sure to not use too deep of a bowl that baby snails can't get out of, b/c they'll drown. But, since you're probably going to move the eggs to a baby tank, that shouldn't be an issue. :D
Yeah, I have a differnt tank for the babies, whenever I have them.

The guy at snailsinthemail told me the babies sometimes ride around on the shells of the adults.
I also asked him about seperating the babies for fear of possible parasites, and he said the snails are from a organic snail farm in California, and not wild caught.

They slept up there on the rim all night, still there this morning.

Hope they explore enough to find the food!
Yeah, I have a differnt tank for the babies, whenever I have them.

The guy at snailsinthemail told me the babies sometimes ride around on the shells of the adults.
I also asked him about seperating the babies for fear of possible parasites, and he said the snails are from a organic snail farm in California, and not wild caught.

They slept up there on the rim all night, still there this morning.

Hope they explore enough to find the food!

They are nnocturnal. This evening mist them and the tank, they should wake up w the misting and head for the food.
Okay, the soil is about an inch, and I did mist a little last night.

I will mist them better tonight.
Maybe they just havent settled in yet from shipping?
Did you need a permit for them to ship to you? A friend of mine had African land snails before and kept them in warm area of the home and reproduction increased, not sure if that might work for you. Cuttlebone is also recommended. I want to get some snails too.
Great setup! IT looks so nice and neat. I used dark ugly leaves from outside. (washed them off a little, hopefully it is enough)
Yeah, I have a differnt tank for the babies, whenever I have them.

The guy at snailsinthemail told me the babies sometimes ride around on the shells of the adults.
I also asked him about seperating the babies for fear of possible parasites, and he said the snails are from a organic snail farm in California, and not wild caught.

They slept up there on the rim all night, still there this morning.

Hope they explore enough to find the food!

Does your baby tank have a different lid? The babies can get through the lid you have on your adult tank. I have that same type on my adult tank and when I got lazy and ended up with babies in there they went through the top just fine haha.
Does your baby tank have a different lid? The babies can get through the lid you have on your adult tank. I have that same type on my adult tank and when I got lazy and ended up with babies in there they went through the top just fine haha.

I need to make a lid for it. I buy screen (whatever mesh I want) in rolls cut to order size.
I misted them last night, but they still didnt move. So I put something dark over the tank, then 2 of them went down to the food.
The other one still hasnt moved!!??
I bought 10 total. All were alive, but some were perkier that others. One arrived with a crushed shell, so I gave him a "burial at sea". As of this morning, I still have one snail that has not moved, but his sealing membrane is still moist, so I haven't given up on him yet.

They are voracious little buggers.
I have been misting them, but I guess I could find a darker place, since I have had to cover them before they will be active.
Okay, I have to be doing something wrong!
These guyz are not eating very much, and I never see them moving around.

I am keeping them dark, but it's about 70F where they are.
Do they need to be warmer?

I am also misting them a few times a day.

Last night, they were still at the top edge of the tank, so I moved them to the floor, directly on their food.
They did not eat very much.
I have squash and romain in there for them.
Okay, I have to be doing something wrong!
These guyz are not eating very much, and I never see them moving around.

I am keeping them dark, but it's about 70F where they are.
Do they need to be warmer?

I am also misting them a few times a day.

Last night, they were still at the top edge of the tank, so I moved them to the floor, directly on their food.
They did not eat very much.
I have squash and romain in there for them.

Hmm... stupid question, are you sure it's moist enough for them? Are they curled entirely up inside their shells with the membrane sealed off? I would think if they aren't eating or moving that it's too dry. I am definitely not an expert snailologist, that's just my thought.

Do they pop out of you set them directly on a slice of squash?
Hmm... stupid question, are you sure it's moist enough for them? Are they curled entirely up inside their shells with the membrane sealed off? I would think if they aren't eating or moving that it's too dry. I am definitely not an expert snailologist, that's just my thought.

Do they pop out of you set them directly on a slice of squash?

Yes, it is very moist in there, but not soaking wet.
I think maybe they are too cold, so now their temp is in the upper 70's.
I also covered the sides of the glass tank with dark paper.

Gave them fresh food today, saw one of them eating the squash.

They are not retracted into their shell all the way, but seem to like going up
to the top and just stay there! :confused:
Hmm sounds like you need higher humidity...anything that needs humid conditions will hunker down to save moisture if needed (frogs and such). Try covering most of the lid in suran wrap, should keep it a bit warmer too
Yes, it is very moist in there, but not soaking wet.
I think maybe they are too cold, so now their temp is in the upper 70's.
I also covered the sides of the glass tank with dark paper.

Gave them fresh food today, saw one of them eating the squash.

They are not retracted into their shell all the way, but seem to like going up
to the top and just stay there! :confused:

they way I make sure mine are still alive is to place them in a container with a very shallow amount of water. Within a couple minutes they are guaranteed to wake up and start roaming around. Then I put them right on top of the food. They could be in deep hibernation from the shipping. A bath will surely wake them right up. Also when I go to feed them to my chams, I get the one I want and then pour a little water over it to wake it up and get it moving.
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