Got my little guy today!


Established Member
Just got my little cham delivered to my this morning! very happy with the shape he is in and he is very active. I put him in his new home and letting him get a feel for the place. I have misted him a few times today and saw him take a sip or 2 but not much. I have put a feeder cup in the cage and put a few crickets in there but he hasnt touched them yet so hopefully after he gets comfortable with his new home he will chow down. Thanks to mike at flchams im very pleased with my first chameleon and ill be posting pics very soon and let you guys know how he comes along.
I remember reading your post awhile ago about getting a cham. Congrats. When i got my first cham I was like a kid on xmas
Most defently. I feel exact same way lol, I could sit down and watch this little guy for hours. Very interesting creatures.
yeah, I got my little guy about a month ago, makes him... almost 3 months old... he is an interesting guy.... likes to climb upsidedown alot..... and they shed alot at this age, im noticing......
Just be careful about the feeder cup. I also got my Cham from Mike at FlChams, he free ranges all of his food for his cams. I couldn't get mine to cup feed for 2 days, thought i was doing something wrong, took the cup out, free ranged the crickets and worms and he went to town. I didn't want to take the time to try and train in the cup feeding arena so if u have the ability to free range, go for it. I do it and am still able to keep track of Willow's food intake.
i don't know what the big craze on cup feeding is, I mean sure there are a few distinct advantages, but what is more fun than watching your cham pace his territory and kill everything in sight? just get your plants sealed up with stones and your good to go, i guess if you are already cup feeding, you could try half and half, or mount your cup diagonally so the badass crix can jump out
Watch out for cup feeding! Adult chameleons will do this but I would be weary of doing this with smaller chameleons.
I have 2 panthers I got at 3 and 4 months and they both picked up cup feeding pretty quickly. For exercise and enrichment, I do free range some worms/moths from time to time... crickets are too quick and hide too much for me to want to free range them.
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