got some silkworms and food for them..

Jann, they're in the deli cup.. i also got the dry chow to feed them....
just not sure how to "keep" them..
i evidently tossed the cooking instructions but found this "searching".. sounds good to me....

To prepare - mix 1/2lb of chow with 3 cups of very hot tap water. Mix the powder and water completely before placing plastic wrap over the top of the container. Microwave on high for several minutes until the mix begins to boil, then remove and stir it up to allow for uniform consistency. Cover the mix back up and microwave for approximately another two minutes or until it begins to boil again. Press plastic wrap down gently to cover top of the chow to prevent excess condensation and to keep the chow sterile. Let the mix cool, then place a lid on it and keep it in the fridge.

but how do i keep the worms,,, in the cup?

and how often do i feed them?

thanks,, lisa
I would put them in a larger container and put in some mesh for them to crawl around on. I'll do a search and see if I can find you any pictures.

Do you have any Mulberry trees around where you live? They love to eat Mulberry leaves.
I would put them in a larger container and put in some mesh for them to crawl around on. I'll do a search and see if I can find you any pictures.

Do you have any Mulberry trees around where you live? They love to eat Mulberry leaves.

thanks Jann,, i'll put them in something larger with mesh... pics are ALWAYS appreciated!!!!
i really don't know if there are any mulberry trees in my area.. i'll have to inquire about them...
i have the chow, i'm going to make it according to the above instructions and see how that goes...:0

i just didn't know if i needed to get them out of the deli cups that they came in... how other people keep them.?.?.?.
I raise my own. If you are just gonna feed, the pods are the way to go. No chow to make and store, no mess, no bins. Raising them is easy, just a little time consuming with cleaning and prep work. Well worth it though!! I feed the worms and moths, all of my reptiles love them :D
If you want to make pods at home, get deli cups from your grocery store. Easier to keep clean than the bins.
great!! thanks Jann!!!!!!!

just got an e-mail from Tim at with the info on cooking chow and keeping the silkies healthy and happy.... he got right back to me... :)

i'll give it a try.. if this doesn't work i'm just going with the "cups/pods"....
food included and they're good for two weeks... :)

just got through cooking the chow... kinda making me hungry!!!! ;)

Lisa it did not make you hungry! Maybe sick but not anything good, must be the fumes getting to you.:D
I raise my own. If you are just gonna feed, the pods are the way to go. No chow to make and store, no mess, no bins. Raising them is easy, just a little time consuming with cleaning and prep work. Well worth it though!! I feed the worms and moths, all of my reptiles love them :D
If you want to make pods at home, get deli cups from your grocery store. Easier to keep clean than the bins.

thanks for the input... i'm thinking that you are right as far as the way for me to go at this point, is to just buy the pods ever so often.... :) especiall since ionly have one cham right now!! ;)
thanks for the input... i'm thinking that you are right as far as the way for me to go at this point, is to just buy the pods ever so often.... :) especiall since ionly have one cham right now!! ;)

Do I see another chamaddict in the making????:eek: When I had one cham, I would rotate silkworm and hornworm pods, or order small worms in each pod and feed off the hornworms first since they grow faster. I would have enough for about a month that way!! Frogg was always a fussy eater, so it was always a crap shoot what he would eat when!!! :p
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