Grass hoppers?



Ozzie is on a food strike and I have so many feeders but he is not going for them but just a few minutes ago I caught a grass hopper and we don't see them all that often but Ozzie loved it and ate it right away. Is there anyone that breeds and sells grass hoppers as feeders? Or anything close to that. I think he liked their fast movement. My husband says it is because he is spoiled like the rest of my pets but I don't think Chameleons recognize as being spoiled and go on hunger strikes and only like certain bugs. I think it is instinct.
I have fed grasshoppers to Veileds and Jacksons for years now. Well, when available that is of course. I pay the neighborhood kids a dime for each one they catch for me. I usually wipe off the first splotch of "tobacco spit" but not always. I have seen elsewhere that catching and feeding wild insects will have a greater likelihood of giving parasites to my chams. Maybe. I only know that my chams seem to do better after a summer of getting grasshoppers, moths and a few other things for variety. I have stopped short on caterpillars. I do worry about them. They often do have defenses such as toxins or spikey hairs or something. Likely that the majority of them are safe, but I sleep better this way. No problems so far. Well, OK, once a Jackson spit a beetle out right away. Something was wrong there, but no long term effects.
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