New Member
Since winter is closing in fast where I live I decided to give grasshopper breeding a try since my guys love grasshoppers but I don't want to risk the parasites. I collected 12 adult red legged grasshoppers last week and put them in a 5 gal tank with soil, some damp cornflakes and some native grasses. The temp is pretty high in my bedroom so I just keep them in there. It is about 20-25 C in the day and a bit lower at night. I have seen one female laying eggs and three pairs mating this morning. Does anyone know how I should incubate the eggs? Is it similar to crickets because that I've got down. also, any thoughts on how to avoid diapause? 
Note: Corn flakes are like steroids for these guys, they can't seem to get enough of them.
Note: Corn flakes are like steroids for these guys, they can't seem to get enough of them.