Gravid female panther

Do they go off food at all while gravid? My girl has been gravid for 22 days now she has been wondering around the bottom but ignores the laying bin altogether, she cruises right past it showing no interest. It's 12 by 12 by 12 filed with soil, yes I have read janns blog and devs laying bin guides so I think I am coverd there, thanks for those vids very useful. Any advice would be greatful

Many thanks
I don't know if she would be ready to lay after 22 days tbh. They can go for a bit longer than that so I wouldn't worry too much yet. If she's still ructant in a couple of weeks you could try janns trash can idea.

Some females go off food and some don't. Some show gravid cours and some don't. It's all about the individual :)
I'd get the laying bin in there sooner rather than later still, she will scope out where she's going when the time comes
Hey all I have just caught my gravid female attempting to digging on the surface ov the laying bin. So I have covered her cage up with a dark towel. Do I leave the lights as they are or do I leave the lights on what do u guys do

Thanks mark
Hi! I'm happy she's digging for you!

Leave the lights to the normal schedual but don't disturb her at all, no feeding or anything like that. Don't be afraid if she's not finished digging and decides to sleep in the bin/hole for the night.

Good luck! Keep us posted :)
She has laid today


At moment the eggs are in soil until I go to the Pet store on Monday then I will be changing the medium to hatchrite. The eggs temps ATM are 72f. Shall I leave the incubator at 72f or change it??


Do I have to put holes in the tubs I have the eggs in to prevent condensation build up ??? Or ??

How do I tell if infertile or not ??

I have upped the mistings in the females cage as she was just drinking and drinking also feed her some very well gut loaded locusts, silkies And a few waxworms.

Thanks again

Unusually put one or two TINY holes in the lids of the containers...but I think it's okay not to too.

They look fertile. I wouldn't leave them on the soil for too long....just my opinion.
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