Gravid Furcifer Lateralis - change in colors


New Member
I purchased a gravid carpet chameleon about 2 weeks ago. She's been eating well and drinking. Her colors, when she came to me, were the typical black/red/yellow/etc. However a couple of days ago, she's changed to a more drab color scheme. Is this a typical color for females prior to laying or are these more indicative to stress coloration? I appreciate any input.

I recently moved her to a laybin


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Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon - Female Furcifer Lateralis, 2weeks (approx)
  • Handling - Only if necessary (showers for additional hydration)
  • Feeding - crickets/red runner cockroaches/wax worms. 5- 8 crickets everyday (if there aren't any in the cage, I add more) and wax worms 1 every other day. Gut-loading via green lettuces and carrots/apples (occasional)
  • Supplements - Repashey. I hit the crickets 2x a week
  • Watering - MistKing? 5x day for 20sec. I see her drink
  • Fecal Description - Black/white. No due to being gravid
  • History - W/C.

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - 24x18x24 Exo Terra
  • Lighting - Arcadia, 4x bulb 10.0UVB + 1 60w heat lamp. 5:30am to 6:30pm light schedule
  • Temperature - 80-82 ambient temp on the top 1/3 cage, 75ish on the lower 2/3. Basking spot is between 85-88. Lowest temp is 65F. I use an infrared heat gun + digital thermo.
  • Humidity - 60-80%. I use an analog humidity gauge
  • Plants - Yes
  • Placement - Cage location, Dining room no traffic and I have the cage ~4' off of the ground.
  • Location - So Cal

Current Problem - Color change from "typical" gravid to dark/dark red coloration (possible stress). Looking for possible reasons. Coloring goes back to typical coloration when placed in the shower (warm water, soft spray on a plant)
I'm not an "expert" on lighting but 1 12% Arcadia bulb is pretty intense from what I understand. 2 of them I'm thinking is way to much UVB.
I'm guessing there HO bulbs too. Am I correct to guess it.
Yes. I too am no expert on lighting, however I know there is a significant loss of UVB through screen. I can easily replace one of the 12% to a 6500k fluorescent. In the meantime, I'll reach out to Todd w/Lightyourreptiles for his thoughts on the subject.

One of the 12% was removed and substituted with the 6500k bulb.

I appreciate the feedback as I wish to provide the best husbandry possible.

I still have questions, if it was too much UV, why was it "ok" for over a week (possible sun burn?)? Also, I tried leaving one of the uvb bulbs off (you can switch 2 bulbs off on this fixture) for a day, however her coloring did not revert back to the original. Why does her colors (nearly immediately) come back once in the shower, yet go back to a drab color scheme once in the enclosure for a couple minutes?
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Yes but I am pretty sure the 12% still has more than a 10.0 reptisun UVB when cut by screen.
Yes but I am pretty sure the 12% still has more than a 10.0 reptisun UVB when cut by screen.
It is but a 12% is wat I use Todd said it was better for a havily planted enclosure I also cut 1/3 piece of the plastic protective insert that came with the quad fixture and reinserted it so my cham would have a uvb safe zone
Yes. I too am no expert on lighting, however I know there is a significant loss of UVB through screen. I can easily replace one of the 12% to a 6500k fluorescent. In the meantime, I'll reach out to Todd w/Lightyourreptiles for his thoughts on the subject.

One of the 12% was removed and substituted with the 6500k bulb.

I appreciate the feedback as I wish to provide the best husbandry possible.

I still have questions, if it was too much UV, why was it "ok" for over a week (possible sun burn?)? Also, I tried leaving one of the uvb bulbs off (you can switch 2 bulbs off on this fixture) for a day, however her coloring did not revert back to the original. Why does her colors (nearly immediately) come back once in the shower, yet go back to a drab color scheme once in the enclosure for a couple minutes?
Her more bright pretty colors you see when u put her in the shower is her way of saying hay im not loving this and her more drab colors her saying she feels calm and safe however I'm not saying don't shower her it's very necessary
I wouldn't consider your enclosure heavily planted at the moment if that's what it looks like.
Omg replifebi just realized I was referring to the wrong person when talking about heavily planted lol. Sorry I am super tired.
Omg replifebi just realized I was referring to the wrong person when talking about heavily planted lol. Sorry I am super tired.

I agree/understand. I've placed 2 more broad leaf plants (I forget the names, but were on the list) up in the top of the enclosure, while the other plants grow in. I'll try to place more. I'm finding it somewhat difficult to find the "perfect" size plants for the enclosures, either they are too big or too small (at least at the local nurseries). However, as I've been learning/reading more and more, it seems that too many plants can never be a bad thing for these guys :)

It is but a 12% is wat I use Todd said it was better for a havily planted enclosure I also cut 1/3 piece of the plastic protective insert that came with the quad fixture and reinserted it so my cham would have a uvb safe zone

Only about 60% of the enclosure has the fixture over it (36" enclosure over two 24" exo terra). Perhaps I'll reconsider the 12% uvb bulbs in lieu of 6% from Todd, I would hate to burn these guys

Her more bright pretty colors you see when u put her in the shower is her way of saying hay im not loving this and her more drab colors her saying she feels calm and safe however I'm not saying don't shower her it's very necessary

Ahhhh! I had thought that those gravid colors were her "normal" colors, even at rest (you know, in case a male walked into town). I appreciate the insight, it makes me feel a bit more confident that everything is "ok(ish)"
I agree/understand. I've placed 2 more broad leaf plants (I forget the names, but were on the list) up in the top of the enclosure, while the other plants grow in. I'll try to place more. I'm finding it somewhat difficult to find the "perfect" size plants for the enclosures, either they are too big or too small (at least at the local nurseries). However, as I've been learning/reading more and more, it seems that too many plants can never be a bad thing for these guys :)

Only about 60% of the enclosure has the fixture over it (36" enclosure over two 24" exo terra). Perhaps I'll reconsider the 12% uvb bulbs in lieu of 6% from Todd, I would hate to burn these guys

Ahhhh! I had thought that those gravid colors were her "normal" colors, even at rest (you know, in case a male walked into town). I appreciate the insight, it makes me feel a bit more confident that everything is "ok(ish)"
Congrats on the new lat. She will take some time to get use to her cage and I'm sure she is WC so this is a huge change for her. I don't want to scare you but I do wish you the best luck with her laying process as wc females are extremely difficult to acclimate into captivity and add in her being gravid you most certainly have an uphill battle.

In that setup I wouldn't have two UVB bulbs as it is a smaller cage and would be overkill. The Quad fixtures do knock the strength down along with the screen but you might even be fine with one 6% so stick with a single 12% at the max.

As for colors, you should only see the intense gravid colors when she is stressed or sees a male. Most of my CB females will go back to green when gravid and will only show the black if a male is around. As for the dull black color it could also be stress but most likely she is just basking. Carpets will bask all day long and those darker colors are normal for pick up the heat and uvb.
Omg replifebi just realized I was referring to the wrong person when talking about heavily planted lol. Sorry I am super tired.
I totally understand I was in a thread last night that u had not even posted in and was like I agree with andee 100% when I ment Extensionofgreen lol I felt so stupid I was so glad for the edit button lol
I know it can get a bit crazy sometimes keeping everything straight especially when you are sleepy enough for bed.
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