Gravid panther chameleon?


New Member
Hello everyone. This is my female nosy be. I put her in my male nosy be's cage a few weeks ago. When i first put her into his enclosure she was receptive and he was doing some head bobbing. Unfortunately i had to leave the house for the day and could not witness if they did the deed or not. The next day i found them away from each other doing there own thing inside the males cage. I removed her and put her into her cage. I have noticed her appetite has decreased slightly. She has a laying bin inside her cage with the right consistency of dirt. She does not seem interested in it. Does she look gravid in this picture?
Did she turn very dark after being in with the male? Hiss, rock back and forth, etc when she saw him?

It's usually about 30 days from the mating until the laying.
Did she turn very dark after being in with the male? Hiss, rock back and forth, etc when she saw him?

It's usually about 30 days from the mating until the laying.
No she was receptive the whole time i watched her. I put her in his cage today just to see and she did all of the above. Hiss rock back and fourth gap mouth.
these are the colors she's displaying now. looking gravid?


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Thanks for all the replies everybody. If she is gravid will she become agresssive towards me as well? She hasn't been eating but I still try and feed her and before she was a laid back chameleon wouldn't try and bite me or anything. Now if I open the cage and get close to her she will gap her mouth. Seems like shes more defensive after the pairng
i have exactly the same experience today with my female panther chameleon.

yesterday she was receptive, and i left her with my male ambilobe for about 2.5 hours. i separated them at 6[m as it's fast approaching bed-time fro them.

and today, she's aggressive to both me and my male ambilobe. hissing with her mouth wide open and she's trying to bite me. she's showing the same colors as the picture above. is it that fast? to become gravid?
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