Great report from the vet!


New Member
I first have to thank the wonderful group of people we have on this forum, the thoughts and prayers have worked for Picasso......we saw two vets this morning and both said about the same thing...that large white mass on the end of his tongue has turned out to be a scab that is the result of his tongue healing, both said his tongue looked very pink and much healthier than last visit, I was even told that it will regenerate some and he should be able to learn how to use it to eat his food without being fed through a syringe, also was told his weight has stayed good and his color and eyes looked great......he is still going to be on Baytril twice a day for 10 more days and back to the vet then.....I couldn't ask for a better report than this.....I am so happy, thank you all again!!
great news we are all thrilled!
now my rule... :D
you take a moment to give yourself credit for the
fantastic job that has been done for him!!! :cool:
you are truly the person meant to get him through his journey!
Really great news! This is about the best outcome that could be imagined! :D Keep up the great work! It is so encouraging that he is maintaining his weight. Hope he regains the full use of his tongue and is no worse for wear!!! ;)
Wow, what a rollercoaster! I am so happy to hear that you and your husband's hard work and dedication to Picasso's recovery is paying off :D

He is lucky to have you guys!
YAY Sherri, Sherri's husband ;) and Picasso!!!!!!! that soooo good to hear, i know it made your week!!!!! :) we're still pulling for you guys!!!!!!
What a great news. I have been following Picasso's story since last month. All this must be like a rollercoaster for you guys. Keep up the good work:).
Victory! Give yourselves a huge pat on the back for attentive and dedicated care. It takes caretakers like you to make survival for special chams possible. So happy for your success.
Thank you all for the love, the prayers and the thoughts of concern, your encouragement and thoughtful words have meant so much to us.....I send a huge hug out to each and everyone of y'all!
Awesome work!!!!!! and what great news. I think this incident gave us all a scare at how quickly and easily chams can get hurt. Because of this I screen canopied my heatlamp and uvb to make it impossible for my cham to reach. Congratulations and keep up the good work. Lets all keep our fingers crossed for a full recovery for Picasso!! :)
I am sitting here with a BIG smile on my face! Yaay for the great news on Picasso and his tongue! Hang in there, I think you guys are over the hump and will soon be able to enjoy him as the healthy, happy guy he was before his accident! Really great news! :)
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