green lacewings


Avid Member
does anyone know anything about green lacewings , i know in their larval stage they have a pretty nasty biting mechanism, but i do not think it is present in adults . they seem like they would be a good feeder (in the adult stage), and are readily available , but i never see them mentioned as feeders?
Might not be good....


I just happened to be researching them last night as well. Really what I want to find is a source for green katydids, cuz I think chams will probably go nuts over em.
But lacewings are cheap and readily available from orchard supply co's.
The thing is, I checked out the basic write up on green lacewings on wikipedia, and it said the following:
"The vernacular name "stinkflies", used chiefly for Chrysopa species but also for others (e.g. Cunctochrysa) refers to their ability to release a vile smell from paired prothoracal glands when handled."

So i figured theis would make them a bad choice as feeders.
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