Green tongue


Established Member
just out of curiosity, is it normal for a chams tongue to be a bit green? I was holding KP yesterday and he actually shot his tongue out at my hand, and it looked as if it was a bit green. And he has been gaping every now and again, but I figured it was to regulate his insides. But now that I think about it, could be a cause for concern?
I think its pretty normal, but Idk for sure. Both of my full size cham's tongues have a green tint too. Maybe somebody who knows more about it can reply.
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Other then the green tongue and the gaping he seems like a pretty healthy Cham to be. I appreciate that though, gives me piece of mind.
It is not mormal to have a green tongue. Is he gaping while basking under a light? If not, then there might be a health issue going on.
@carol5208 well I spoke to a few people and they were saying tongue color can vary in color from normal red, pinkish colors to green or even blue.

And yes that’s the only time he’s gaping is when he’s directly under the his basking spots.
I knew it can be blue like these, but green is a first for me:


It’s about the color of the tip of the panther chameleon you just posted. Just a little bit greener. Like a mucas green
I think it's normal. He probably just munches on a lot of leaves, and has absorbed some of the chlorophyll. I don't think it's anything to worry about. They have a large blood supply to their tongue and not a lot of tissue to cover it. As long as he is eating and drinking, don't worry about it. The gaping is most likely temperature control, but if he starts doing it elsewhere in the cage, and/or if there are any bubbles or gurgling sounds then he needs a vet, FAST. Good luck. Hope this helps!
It is. I actually saw it again the other day cause he shot it out at my finger a couple times while I was moving him out of his enclosure to clean, it’s comforted that his tongue is indeed green. I hate to say it but it looks like a huge lougie attached to a blue string. But he seems to be a very healthy happy/ish Cham (I have a feeling he won’t be the cuddliest Cham on the planet, or at all)

Here’s a couple pics
Your chameleon looks pretty good! I would consider replacing the fake plants with real non toxic well washed real ones though because veileds often eat vegetation and you don't want him eating fake plants...on purpose or accidentally. I see you have some real one!
Also....just a thought...but could the dye from the plant leaves be leaching out and dying his tongue slightly when he licks water off them??
I'm not a fan of the moss either.
He has that one fake vine up at the top for a little more coverage for the time being until the pothos vines get long enough to replace the fake vine. I figured it wouldn’t hurt for the time being. But no ma’am I don’t believe that’s the case considering i’ve Only had the fake vine in his enclosure for about 2 weeks and his tongue was the greenish color before introducing the fake plants back into his enclosure. Only the live pothos was in there for about a month. I think maybe he’s just an abnormal Cham? Lol it has been known to happen

And the mossy sticks aren’t real Moss, so the chance of bacteria growth is cut substantially but I am going to chunk those as soon as I move him into his 24x24x48 enclosure next week.
You said..." the mossy sticks aren’t real Moss, so the chance of bacteria growth is cut substantially "...I was more worried about the moss being ingested.

Tongue might just be normal for him!
Ahh, well I actually didn’t think about that. But good thing is new enclosure for him next week, working on all kinds of new upgrades for him!
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