Greetings From Arizona, USA!


New Member
Hi all.

My name is Wil, and my wife and I just got a set of Panther's from Chameleon's North West. (Sandy and Elliot are awesome to deal with, BTW).

I just thought it would be nice to introduce myself as I lurk around the forum!

Oh yeah and what good is an intro post with out pics?

Here is our boy, Louie:


Here is what we thought was our girl Bow (short for rainbow) which turned out to be a latent male as seen by the sperm plug:


Here is our replacement Female... not sure we are going to stick with the name Bow or not...

Welcome to the forum! There are a couple locals of AZ around here, myself and Sang.

The best reptile vet around is Dr. Funk, if you didn't already know. He is in Mesa.

Hope you enjoy your chameleons as much as everyone else!
i see your using the exotera glass vented cage using the same one...what is the size of the one your using...? and i would sugest buying a full screen cage after they grow housing a 6 month male vield in mine right now and he will be moving to a 2x2x4 ft cage in december ( when i get it from christmas form my parents)....its time for him to move into his mansion....a screen cage also reduces the chance for upper respitory infections ( from over high humidity and heat combind....wich is comion in glass cages)...and also when i bought this it was a set...the hood that came only housed a coil or "compat " uvb....these can not be used coild uvb lights cause eye irritation and blindness...reptiglo / reptisun tube uvb bulbs are the best you can buy. when i got mine it has the coil so i returned it and bought just the cage without all the crap...and got a tube hood holder...coils are bad nastys!

( incase anyones talking about the exotera tropical set up kit...wich can be bought at many pet stores)
it looks liek youir male panther is one one...only reason i replyed in this way...the cages are nice for youngsters but as they reach adult hood ( as mine is starting 2 now) then need a large screen cage with LIVE plants.
Hi Wil and welcome. Panthers from Sandy & Elliott, that is getting a great start. Also they will help you alone the way. Just don't ask Elliott to buy one of his new baby melleri.:( I tried and it wasn't pretty!!!
i see your using the exotera glass vented cage using the same one...what is the size of the one your using...? and i would sugest buying a full screen cage after they grow housing a 6 month male vield in mine right now and he will be moving to a 2x2x4 ft cage in december ( when i get it from christmas form my parents)....its time for him to move into his mansion....a screen cage also reduces the chance for upper respitory infections ( from over high humidity and heat combind....wich is comion in glass cages)...and also when i bought this it was a set...the hood that came only housed a coil or "compat " uvb....these can not be used coild uvb lights cause eye irritation and blindness...reptiglo / reptisun tube uvb bulbs are the best you can buy. when i got mine it has the coil so i returned it and bought just the cage without all the crap...and got a tube hood holder...coils are bad nastys!

( incase anyones talking about the exotera tropical set up kit...wich can be bought at many pet stores)

Yeah we were using the Exo-Terra for Louie (he is ~7 months old) and once we got the replacement female from Sandy and Elliot about (1/3 the size of our male), we moved him to our larger screen enclosure. We have problems with maintaining the humidity, since we live in AZ. We are using an Exo-Terra fogger, a Tropicaire Humidifier Air Exchanger, a waterfall, and hand spray, to combat the normal dryness of the air here. Before you jump on us, we know all about the waterfalls... and we clean them frequently to prevent bacteria build up. We have the largest size Exo-Terra terrarium which measures 18" x 18" x 24". Our screened cage is 24" x 15" x 22", so just slightly larger. We're looking for a larger set up as they grow.

As for the lighting we are not using the compact florescent (my wife did her homework). :eek:

Hi Wil and welcome. Panthers from Sandy & Elliott, that is getting a great start. Also they will help you alone the way. Just don't ask Elliott to buy one of his new baby melleri.:( I tried and it wasn't pretty!!!

Yeah with out them we wouldn't even be here! LOL
We have problems with maintaining the humidity, since we live in AZ. We are using an Exo-Terra fogger, a Tropicaire Humidifier Air Exchanger, a waterfall, and hand spray, to combat the normal dryness of the air here.

It may be the fact I have a swamp cooler that runs part of the day, but I don't need a fogger, humidifier (not on days under 85, at least), or waterfall. All I do is spray very often and use a dripper and live plants.

Unless you clean that waterfall everyday with bleach/water (which requires quite a bit of time to dry out anyways), you aren't cleaning it well enough... and to be honest, the constant moving of the waterfall in and out of the cage probably stresses your chameleon out more than it's worth.
Welcome to the addiction. I also agree with taking out the waterfall, they tend to poop in them and you, probably, aren't there to watch them 24/7 so you won't know when that happens. The problem with them pooping in them is that they also drink from them. Another problem that can occur with waterfalls is drowning. Chameleons are known to drown in notoriously shallow water, so it'd be best to just junk it.

Live plants improve humidity pretty durastically, and so does an extra misting thrown in.
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