

New Member
So I always see people on here enthusing about how fast their babes grow. Well.. I have a 4-5 month old male veiled who literally has grown maybe 1/2" in the last 2 months. When I got him he had parasites and so I had the pleasure of force feeding a baby. Couple weeks later his fecal was retested and came back clear. He eats 12-18 crickets a day and poops plenty. He just seems so tiny compared to what I've seen. I change up his choices, though he really prefers crickets. I cup feed so I know how much he's eaten. It could just be me, one person I here before questioned if I'd been sold the runt of the litter. But does anyone have photos of one similiar to mines age? On google they all seem larger than mine. :( vet has stamped him with a clean bill of health, just says he may be the little guy of his litter.
They do grow at different rates. Its possible that he will hit a growth spurt and catch up.
I do know there is one person on here, who has a veiled, that even though it is 2 years old, it still looks like its 6 months old.

can you post a picture of your cham on your hand please?
i can compare him to the size my guy was when he was that age.
Here is a comparison picture. The small one in this picture is just about 3-5 days old, the larger one is about 11 weeks old based on when the babies clutch had just hatched (July, bigger girl in May). The bigger girl is about 4 or 5 inches stretched out. I had a customer buy a Veiled from me back in the 90's and she would come back ever so often, and she commented on the fact that her's was significantly smaller than some holdbacks I had from the same clutch as her's came from. Her's never acheived what I would consider 'full-size' for a male Veiled. I've often wondered if there is a 'window of oppurtunity' so to speak at an early age where they are able to put on the most significant growth rate, and then it slows down the older they get. Something like a stunted growth maybe if they miss that 'window' by not getting adequate nutrition, UVB etc. during that critical time period.

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Actually my little guy is almost identical to yours on the left. Maybe other users listed theirs as 4/5 mo or just have giants because thrones I'd seen we're double his size. He's lately been very temperamental for the las week but if I can get a photo I'll post it. But he's very similiar to the one on the left.
This is my po, people on here say she looks 5 months old. The people at the reptile store left out her age when i took her home. Maybe yours is growing slowly and mine is a giant.
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