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My friend just purchased a veiled chameleon from some guy online. I guess the guy kept it in a cage that was way too small for it and my friend is worried that it has stunted her growth. The guy said shes about a year old, but it hasn't shed or gotten any larger in 5 months. So, my friend bought/rescued it but now he's worried she won't get any bigger. He's going to buy her a new cage that's a lot bigger, but we were wondering if that will help, or if she's going to be stuck this small because of how long she was in that cage???
Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - Veiled, female, about 1 year old. Owned for a week.
Handling - He hasn't handled it at all yet except to put it in the new cage.
Feeding - He feeds her about 5 crickets once daily around noon. He uses Zoo-Med calcium duster without D3 daily, and he will use Fluker's calcium with D3 twice a month.
Watering - He sprays her cage with a water bottle twice daily for about two minutes. He's actually seen her drink once, but I know from my cham that it's not common you catch them drinking, lol.
Fecal Description - Her fecal matter is brown and urate is white with a little yellow sometimes. She hasn't been tested for parasites.
History - Just that she was kept in a very small glass cage all her life.

Cage Info:

Cage Type - His cage now is fully screened and 24 x 24 x 48 inches.
Lighting - HE uses this bulb from powersun I think? It has UVB and heat in one.
Temperature - Day temp is 90, night temp is 70.
Humidity - He uses a hydrometer to get the humidity level and it is 80.
Plants - Just fake plants.
Placement - It is in the corner of his room on a small shelf so it's at eye level when we walk by.
Location - central/northern USA

Current Problem - We were worried that she may have stopped growing prematurely and may not grow again. She just looks to small to be fully grown yet.
Here are pictures of her from when we picked her up at the guys house. So this was her small cage.
Chameleons will continue to grow regardless of the cage size as long as they are provided the essentials to do so. Habitat size does not constrict their growth like it might for some other animals. I have see chameleons on here that have gotten to be full grown adults living in small fish tanks! Very sad but true!! It is improper nutrition, and incorrect uvb exposure that will effect their growth.
Oh wow that's a relief , thank you! :) Is the set up that he has now for her all good or should he change anything?
your welcome. Glad you are giving her better living arrangements. She does not look that small from the pic, but they can be decieving. Females are smaller than males anyways. If she is indeed one year old I would feed her every other day about 6 large feeders. Also females can produce eggs without mating(as you may or not know) and it is thought that high temps and overfeeding can lead to egg production. Being that she is a female of age to lay, you are going to need a laying bin in the cage incase she does develop eggs. I will find the blog for that and attach in a minute. 90 degrees is high and the you should lower that temp into the low 80's. The thing is you do not have a seperate uvb and basking(uva) light so that is going to be difficult. You may try raising the light off the screen top but I am not sure that will work. Also, you should get a multivitamin and use that a couple of times a month. Is the humdiity being kept constant at 80 degrees? If so that is probably too high as you want the humdiity to fluctuate. Most of use a seperate uvb light and basking. That way it is easier to control the basking area by trying different wattages.
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