Guess the locale


New Member
What says y'all?


I know this forum section is not for guessing but sometimes we just have to. :D

His colors display a young tamatave but he does lack most of the typical white on the face, throat area. At the same time i have not seen enough tamatave to know truly all of the variations. The dorsal crest being white also makes me want to lean tamatave but it is not a defining trait to decide by..

Guessing with kent a sambava or it could be tamatave.
From that angle I thought he did. I picked up a very similar looking male last year at LLL and they've had more recently that I've seen.
He was labeled as wc tamatave. Someone suggested he may be Diego. I just wanted confirmation.

Does this help y'all out? :)
He is not diego, slick rick :)

If he was sold as a tamatave and with knowing that. I would definitely not second guess it.
And here I would have bet him a Masoala....shows what I know. I know a little over a year ago a bunch of them came in.

But that's if you go by cleanlines, if you go off the site the Masoala look totally different and he looks more like the Tamatave they show.
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Agreed. Not the Sambava I thought it looked like at first. :eek:

Edit: In all fairness, you didn't post those last pictures first!
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