Guinea pigs


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Does anyone have any guinea pigs or other small, non food item, mammals? Or is everyone more of the dog and lizard type? :D

Share some pictures and any tricks they know!

Here are my babies Mabel (white collar) and Alex (all grey/black)

I have 3 rats (usually a few more), two bunnies and a guinea pig. Also 4 parrots. All non food items. My cockatoo knows lots of words and tricks, but everyone else just hangs out.
Very cool. My piggies squeak when I say yum yum, but thats all I've been able to get them to do so far. It's fun to watch them chase eachother around. I also like when its haircut time!
My guinea pig Wendell squeaks when she hears the fridge open after about 9 pm. She knows it's supper time soon. Also, she squeaks when she smells (or wants) oranges. That includes the smell of orange scented cleaners. Too funny.
Thats cute! Ever considered getting her a friend? They're just too funny when you watch two interact! I like to watch mine play tug of war with choice veggies at meal times.
Two poodles, (Gus and Coco) ball python,(Monty) box turtle,(Michelangelo) and lots of fishies. That's it for now but there have been multitudes of gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, various types of birds, anoles, newts, hermit crabs.....probably forgot about a few along the way. I guess that explains my name. LOL
my friends uncle farms guinea pigs
I've always wanted to sneak in there at night and crinkle some foil or something, has to be insane to hear hundreds of pigs squeeking:D
I love ball pythons! I wish I could get one, but my mother says no :

Ha! I'd say "no" too, if I was your mom LOL

Forgot to say that I have 9 dogs and 6 cats in addition to what I mentioned. I thought we were only talking about little critters :)
Had guinea pigs years ago. Tristan, my first, was a screamer - he doubled as a burglar alarm, shrieking whenever he heard a noise (e.g. the front door opening). Hamsters tend to attack me.
Woah, I can't imagine having hundred of piggies! I love when mine sqeek! My mom doesn't like it cause it usually wakes her up in the morning... She alsways seems annoyed by all the pets, but deep down, she I think she loves them too. :)
When I was little my Mum had 29 guinea pigs! I even witnessed Jemima giving birth! Cool stuff! The noise at feeding time was horrendous, then gradually got quieter as you worked through the cages, until after the last one was fed there was complete silence (apart from munching sounds, lol)!!:D
Woah! There are always those people who are crazy about thier one specific type of pets! :) I wish I had room/money for a bunch of chams and a bunch of other cool pets. I really want a sugar glider too, but they're illegal here :(
Hey pssh, once you have the money to get them, you generally don't have the time you need to look after them! lol
I guess that's true. I'll just be a trophy wife when I'm older ;) Then I wont have to do anything I dont want to!

I actually think that would be a terrible life to live... I want to be a vet!
I know they are a delicacy in parts of South America.. ;) I would like to try it sometime - but don't worry, not yours.

Cute furballs.
This is Ruby, one of my Mum's piggies. She only has two at a time these days, lol! Having said that, a few years ago she bought a female not realising that she was in the early stages of pregnancy! She got bigger and bigger until she produced 3 babies one morning! What a bargain - 4 for the price of 1, lol! Here's Ruby! She has such a cute l'il face - my Dad holds her up and kisses her! I'm not really a fan of guinea pigs, but there's something special about Ruby!


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She's so cute. Normally I don't like short haired guinea pigs, but I like her. She's almost in between. :)

Syn - I can't stand the texture of meat. I think I would to were I given the chance, but only if it was an ethnic group kind of thing...
I guess that's true. I'll just be a trophy wife when I'm older ;) Then I wont have to do anything I dont want to!

I actually think that would be a terrible life to live... I want to be a vet!

Actually, it's a great way to live. Just ask me! :D
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