Gular pouch diversity in the Chamaeleonidae…

“Species of the genera Bradypodionand Chamaeleo, as well as Trioceros goetzei, all possess a single gular pouch (morph one) formed from ventral expansion of soft tissue where the larynx and trachea meet. Furcifer oustaleti and Furcifer verrucosus possess from one to four gular pouches (morph two) ”…
“Coupled with the knowledge that C. calyptratus generates vibrations from the throat region, we posit that the tongue (M. accelerator linguae and M. hyoglossus) and supporting hyoid muscles (i.e., Mm. sternohyoideus profundus et superficialis and Mm. mandibulohyoideus) are involved in the production of vibrations to produce biotremors that are amplified by the inflated gular pouch and used in substrate-borne communication.”…
“Based on our observations of intra- and interspecific interactions between C. calyptratus, Chamaeleo dilepis, and C. gracilis, these gular pouch-possessing species generate calls for numerous reasons, from alarm calls when threatened to mating calls when presented the opposite sex (Barnett et al., 1999; Laslie, 2018; Tegge, 2018)”…
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