Gutloading and storing

lisa h

New Member
I bought some worms from the petstore so I can make bug juice for my cham. Can anyone give me a quick and dirty of what to feed them and how to store them. I made the mistake of putting superworms in the fridge once -- not good LOL

So, I need info on the following:

My crix are always good to go.
I have in the past kept butterworms in the fridge in oatmeal but since they go into slow mode they will keep longer but also they dont eat so they will not grow. i think a cool dark place is ideal. same with the waxworms but i kept them in the yellow woodchip lookin stuff they came in. i find silks are the hardest to keep alive for long cause they eat so much and if u put them in the fridge they get kind of mushy. i would like a wine cooler to keep my feeders in.
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